Anyway as i was saying that has always put me off facebook, so i took the plunge and joined but didn't join as my actual name, that will prevent people in my past hassling me and telling me what they've just eaten. Its purely for fishing interest so i only Friend people that share the interest.
Facebook lets me keep in contact with fishing mates and join fishing related groups, it also lets me do quicker posts than i can with my blog and its generally more interactive. I'm not going to give up on my blog but will probably just keep it to a monthly post, more of a round up of what Ive been doing. If anyone enjoys what i do on my blog and want to follow what i do in more depth on facebook you can find me under the name 'MAtt Seventyninejh Fish Fooler' or click the link if it works.
So what have I been up to? Basically I have developed a massive obsession to pike fly fishing, its all i want to do at the minute, Ive been catching loads of fish, way above average for what i would usually catch on the venues I've fished. I almost feel guilty for letting my lure rods gather dust.
Here's a few photos of some fly caught fish from recent sessions..

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