I had planned to go fishing today and again I was getting myself into a frame of mind where I was too expectant to catch. I planned to fish a small river first that had been coloured for months now and it was showing signs of clearing. I was disappointed when i got there to find it still very coloured, only about 3-4" visibility. I thought I'd have an hour anyway and set off casting various lures around. I had walked for quite awhile with nothing showing and i knew i was wasting my time to headed back to the car to go somewhere else. As i changed direction on my first cast a small jack sprung up from below my feet to take a spinnerbait. It saved a blank and saved me from my second ever blank on this venue, Ive only ever not caught once there. It was a stunning little jack with really nice reflective colours on its face that didn't really show up on the photo.

Now back at the car with nothing else to show for my time, i headed off for another river spot. On arrival I could see a couple of cars parked up and when i got closer there was already guys fishing there so no point in me adding to it! I turned the car around and pondered where to go next, there wasn't really anywhere close i could get on the river so i headed back for a canal.
After about another hour on the canal with nothing to show for my time, I was starting to get a little bit annoyed at the fact that my plans were not really working out, was it to be another day of driving around chasing fish and not getting any?
I went back to the car for a think, an area on the river suddenly came to mind, I wasn't sure on the banks being safe or not but thought I was wasting my time anyway so even if it turned out to be just a recce I thought I'd at least go have a look.
On the bank i could see it was accessible and dry banks, i just had to be careful climbing about. First cast and low and behold a big fish comes following the lure in, looked a good double. I ran out of room and the fish turned and swam away. Second cast and again a follow from a fish abit smaller, this time it also had a friend in tow! Third cast in the opposite direction and another follows from a double...this was crazy, and not one of them was taking the lure! I fished on for about an hour trying different lures and was amazed by the amount of fish following in from different swims sometimes two or three of them at a time, and some big fish too one could have been a twenty. I started to wonder if they were more into pre-spawning mode with them coming in together, the fish were obviously starting to group.
Well I ran out of bank to fish so headed back to the start to do the stretch again, this time i had a total lack of follows but also had a take and a fish was on at last! A good scrap and the fish was in the net. I got a photo and put the fish back as it was obviously full of spawn, what a fatty! It was also in a mood as the second photo shows, i actually got slapped round the chops as the fish kicked off. Not the first time Ive been slapped in the face by a fat lass.

I fished on abit longer and sadly missed another take that felt like a bigger fish, it was strange really as all the follows dried up yet i got two takes. If they had been in full feeding mode at the beginning I would have had one hell of a session. Although nothing else happened i was pleased to have found another spot worth fishing again, it will probably be a winter spot as the banks will be far too overgrown by the time the rivers open again. I have been talking to my mate Neil though about putting his boat on the river, so who knows what that will throw up in this area in summer!
So again abit too expectant of catching plenty but in the end happy with seeing all the fish and banking a half decent one. I don't feel Ive had much luck this year so far, i think that's why i get expectant as I'm waiting for my luck to change and that bumper session to come along but its taking its time.... maybe next time?
On the lure building front I'm still on with lots of ultralight lures and also used some free time yesterday to try out a lead bar mould. I use the bars to weight my lures as i can drill the same size holes and snip the bars to the according weight and slot them in the holes. I made the mold below out of beech which should hold up to a few usages, but I have been contacted about the production of an aluminium one which would get endless use without falling to bits due to the heat involved.